How Are You?

Nov 14, 2016

Life Feelings Christianity Inspiration
two wooden figurines hugging

Photo by Marco Bianchetti

No really, how are you? How are you right now, in this precious moment? Not on the surface, not in the ‘asking-the-cashier-at-checkout’ sort of way. But deep down, underneath the layers we pile on to keep ourselves safe and protected from the grievances of the world. How is the deepest part of you feeling?

You see, I feel a certain responsibility to ask you this. We have become a people that has stopped asking this simple, yet potent, question because we are afraid or simply don’t care about what may follow that question. I get it, I’m afraid too. And often I don’t want to be bothered. But with the heaviness following the election last week and the state of our world, I feel compelled to ask.

In Galatians 6:2 we are commanded to “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Asking others how they are doing is in itself an act of grace, a way of carrying each other’s burdens. I don’t know the afflictions you have stored up in your heart, but I do know sharing them with someone relieves you of that weight even just a little.

Let me tell you how I am doing. My heart is heavy, so heavy, thinking about the world and the way humans are harming each other, harming themselves. Most days, I’m just trying to make it through another 24 hours just like everyone else. But the HSP in me can’t help accumulating the emotions of those I come across throughout my day, collecting them like souvenirs on a trip that has exhausted me. And I just want to go home.

But even at home, I am surrounded by television, social media, the news, my husband. There is no outrunning mine or others’ emotions. At this point, the only sane thing we can do is make space for them. And ultimately, become the change, the kindness, the humanity, we wish to see in the world. And it all begins with a simple question. How are you? How am I?

In the words of the song “Lay ’Em Down” by NEEDTOBREATHE:

We’re all tied to the same old failings

Finding shelter in things we know…

All you burdened

And broken down

Bring all of your troubles

Come lay ’em down.

Yes, as Jesus said — come lay them down.