Posts: Christianity

2 people from waist down wearing denim and holding paint brushes

A Divine-Filled Practice

Inviting God into the details

May 22, 2023

The fifth guy in one week showed up today to give us a quote. Seems all we’ve been doing lately is getting quotes for different services we need done around the house. Now it’s the front yard gate that needs repairing as well as our driveway, which needs a new seal coat. “Happy homeowning,” one salesman sarcastically said to me on the phone the other day.

God Gratitude Christianity Perspective

woman’s face statue looking out of window

What Comes to the Surface

God’s refining work in our lives

Apr 10, 2023

I left the laser and skin spa holding an ice pack against my left cheekbone to reduce the burning. It was about to thunderstorm, so I rushed to my car. The lead aesthetician told me it might sting more than last time since she cranked up the heat on my IPL service. I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted after two treatments, so she suggested we try a more intense level.

God Transformation Change Christianity Surrender

hands holding mustard seeds

Shepherding Us in His Direction

Learning the art of fellowship with God

Mar 04, 2023

It's 11:15 pm on Sunday night and I'm searching for videos related to “when God feels distant” on YouTube. I watch a few that look helpful, with titles including “Why Has God Been So Silent When I've Reached Out To Him?” and “How to Get Back on Track Spiritually When You Feel Far from God.”

God Christianity Seasons Growth Jesus

concrete cross adorned with florals

The Symbolism of the Resurrection

Finding renewal in lifeless places

May 01, 2019

Easter. The word conjures up themes of renewal and rebirth for me. A starting over. Not like starting a new year, but starting a new way of life, a re-envisioning of how one wants to show up in the world. This day gives me hope that what once was dead can come back to life. All the lifeless places within me get drenched with promise.

Christianity Spirituality Inspiration Jesus

angel statue

On Earth As It Is in Heaven

Attempting to create God’s vision in our everyday lives

Apr 17, 2019

“As it is in heaven.” This is the new sermon series that started at the church I attend in downtown Chicago, based on the Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6:10. Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. The larger question weaved into the sermons is — how can we bring the kingdom of heaven down to earth, into our day-to-day lives?

Christianity God Heaven Spirituality

woman reading book while walking on the beach

Surrendering the Quest for Life Purpose

Dec 13, 2016

For most of my life, I was chasing my life purpose, with a capital P, hoping I would find it somewhere, anywhere. When it didn’t make an appearance in my hometown, I moved. When it didn’t show up in my undergraduate college, I went back for my graduate degree. When that led to one dead-end job after another, I thought surely it will surface in the self-help books I was reading along the way.

Christianity God Life Purpose Inspiration

two wooden figurines hugging

How Are You?

Nov 14, 2016

No really, how are you? How are you right now, in this precious moment? Not on the surface, not in the ‘asking-the-cashier-at-checkout’ sort of way. But deep down, underneath the layers we pile on to keep ourselves safe and protected from the grievances of the world. How is the deepest part of you feeling?

Life Feelings Christianity Inspiration