Posts: Seasons

cherry blossom tree from below angle

Small Doses of Replenishment

Learning how to create sustainable renewal

Feb 19, 2024

Spring is less than a month away. I can feel it in the air. The temperature rising into the upper 50s. The sound of birds preparing to look for the perfect tree to call home. Walking by a small lake in our neighborhood, I see the ducks and geese have returned to the thawed water. It was still frozen not more than a week ago. The tiniest of buds have begun appearing on the trees in our backyard.

Transformation Change Seasons Surrender Renewal

grayscale of two young girls laughing

Places That Increase Our Holiness

Learning to put away childish things

Sep 04, 2023

I’ve been reflecting on this verse for some time now, especially as I’m nearing my 40s. The instruction is simple enough. But can I be honest? This is something I struggle with. Have for my entire adult life. I have always thought of myself as a child at heart, viewing the world with a childlike naiveté. I’d like to think it’s how God made me.

God Personal Growth Reflections Change Seasons

escalator going down into busy street

Inertia of the Soul

Finding ways to resuscitate our deepest desires

Aug 13, 2023

Overstimulated. It’s a word we hear quite often, especially in our social media–heavy, technology-obsessed, devices-galore, insta-everything world. It happens to kids and adults alike, and it’s hard to get away from. We can take social media breaks, go on silent retreats, take a vacation, detox, and meditate, but eventually we find ourselves right back in hyper-stimulation mode.

Soul Motivation Seasons Self-Awareness Calling

red bricks with weeds

One Stone at a Time

Binding the disconnected parts of us

Aug 06, 2023

We spotted him while walking around our neighborhood, fixing a neighbor’s front yard steps. My husband approached him to ask about his services, since we were looking for someone to fix our backyard steps. He would be coming by a few days later to give us a quote. I was grateful, a few less phone calls I’d have to make trying to get multiple quotes.

Connection Seasons Identity Personal Growth

white and red-petaled flower bud

The Imperceptible Motion Underneath

Trusting the process and pace of growth

Apr 02, 2023

Spring officially commenced a week ago, though you’d never be able to tell by looking outside. Just two days ago, it snowed again, after it had all finally melted. The streets were the epitome of a winter wonderland, every surface dusted in white. More is predicted for this week, with temperatures still in the low 40s. The dreariness of the winter sky has not lifted.

Growth Seasons Personal Growth Perspective God

hands holding mustard seeds

Shepherding Us in His Direction

Learning the art of fellowship with God

Mar 04, 2023

It's 11:15 pm on Sunday night and I'm searching for videos related to “when God feels distant” on YouTube. I watch a few that look helpful, with titles including “Why Has God Been So Silent When I've Reached Out To Him?” and “How to Get Back on Track Spiritually When You Feel Far from God.”

God Christianity Seasons Growth Jesus

gloomy winter day with tree and building

Surprising Lessons From My First Winter in Chicago

Feb 19, 2019

Cold. That’s really the only thing I ever thought of when thinking about Chicago. The only thing that came to mind when I pictured the winters. Freezing may be more accurate. When it comes to certain states and their corresponding weather, we tend to have pretty well-established preconceived notions and judgments.

Life Lessons Perspective Chicago Seasons

table with mugs and four chairs on a rainy day

The Season of In-between

Oct 17, 2016

It is gloomy outside my window on this rainy afternoon. I open the blinds a little bit more to let the gray light in. Everything in the parking lot outside is soaked and dewy. What I’ve always loved about the rain is its cleansing effect — how it removes the accumulating dust and grime of the summer months. And then there’s the calm.

Life Seasons Nostalgia Time