Posts: Soul

vintage analog alarm clocks

An Underlying Request for Affirmation

Reflections on our obsession with productivity

Jan 23, 2024

Only three weeks into the new year and I’m already exhausted. Could it be the dreary weather, the lack of sunshine and daylight? Or could it be the all-too-familiar “new year’s rush”? That sense of jumping on the bandwagon of creating goals and resolutions and intentions and then trying to stick to them without fail. Wanting to do all the things.

Human Condition New Year Reflections Self-Care Soul

escalator going down into busy street

Inertia of the Soul

Finding ways to resuscitate our deepest desires

Aug 13, 2023

Overstimulated. It’s a word we hear quite often, especially in our social media–heavy, technology-obsessed, devices-galore, insta-everything world. It happens to kids and adults alike, and it’s hard to get away from. We can take social media breaks, go on silent retreats, take a vacation, detox, and meditate, but eventually we find ourselves right back in hyper-stimulation mode.

Soul Motivation Seasons Self-Awareness Calling

person holding basket

The Sifting of Soul Work

Listening to the stirrings from within

Feb 05, 2019

I’ll be honest. I don’t feel like writing right now. Or doing much of anything, let alone try and be creative. But I committed to writing at least once a week. So I’m here, showing up, despite my inner refusal. I don’t want my art to suffer for the sake of my comfort, or how I feel in this particular moment.

Self-Awareness Personal Growth Soul Personal Development