Posts: Contemplation

woman sitting in a field holding a mirror and looking at herself smiling

The Courage to Face Ourselves

Thoughts on our capacity for self-reflection

Feb 12, 2024

It was the small mirror that first caught my eye as I approached the table to sit down. It was accompanied by a large light brown paper for coloring and markers. I didn’t know any of the other 15 or so people who signed up for this Poetry Workshop. But it sounded right up my alley and worth giving up every Saturday morning in February for. The theme of the workshop—self-portrait.

Self-Awareness Mental Health Psychology Introspection Contemplation

close up of flowering bush with icicles

Enveloped in a Layer of Gratitude

Reflections on an ice storm

Mar 24, 2023

The weather forecast called it ‘freezing rain,’ warning of an ice storm in effect for our county. Essentially, this meant that the rain was going to be accompanied by temperatures at or just below freezing, leading to ice accumulations. I had never heard of or witnessed this weather pattern before moving to Illinois. Now, in my fifth year here, I was more than familiar with it.

Reflections Hope Contemplation Nature Beauty

candles lit on a wooden fence

The Long Lost Art of Digging Deeper

Sep 19, 2016

Whatever happened to depth? To profundity? Where have all the deep people gone? Buried beneath all the superficiality I imagine. (Pun intended). I love the way Mr. Foster phrases the above quote. It is indeed a “desperate need” of our times. Perhaps it’s the introvert in me that feels this way.

Time Reflections Slowing Down Contemplation