Posts: Psychology

woman sitting in a field holding a mirror and looking at herself smiling

The Courage to Face Ourselves

Thoughts on our capacity for self-reflection

Feb 12, 2024

It was the small mirror that first caught my eye as I approached the table to sit down. It was accompanied by a large light brown paper for coloring and markers. I didn’t know any of the other 15 or so people who signed up for this Poetry Workshop. But it sounded right up my alley and worth giving up every Saturday morning in February for. The theme of the workshop—self-portrait.

Self-Awareness Mental Health Psychology Introspection Contemplation

volcano erupting

One Pause at a Time

Learning how to recognize our default reactions

Apr 18, 2023

The argument was meaningless, as many marital arguments tend to be. One sentence became a trigger for the other, which led to defensiveness and trying to prove each other’s points. Things got taken out of context, the past was brought into the present, the words “always” and “never” got thrown around… the usual culprits.

Personal Growth Perspective Life Lessons Self-Awareness Psychology

sculpture of two children inside two adults

A Cocoon for Crafting Wings

The balancing act of nurturing our child and adult selves

Feb 10, 2023

My husband and I went light shopping over the weekend. We were wanting to replace all of our hallway ceiling lights as well as the chandelier that came with the house we purchased a little over a year ago. We walked around the store, taking in the large selection, craning our necks and pointing to ones we liked and ones that were a bit too contemporary for our taste.

Psychology Self-Care Life Growth

round white compass on a window sill

Looking for Meaning Everywhere

Thoughts on our search for meaning

Jan 29, 2019

My dad turned 73 this week. As a birthday gift, I sent him Victor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning. He’s a reader so I figured he’d enjoy this. It’s a haunting read, but hopeful. The book is Frankl’s memoir of his experience in the Nazi concentration camps, where his parents, brother, and pregnant wife perished.

Life Meaning Psychology Existentialism