Posts: Self-Acceptance
A Salve on Wounded Hearts
Nurturing our gifts for a greater purpose
Jul 08, 2023
I feel too much. It’s a problem, really. But also, strangely, a gift. One I didn’t ask for. One I question more often than I should. Some days it takes the form of codependency. Other days it shapes into empathy and compassion. And frequently, it manifests as sensitivity. Whatever name I give it, its impact is the same—a heaviness in my chest, a strong desire to cry, a confinement of spirit, a disconnect from the present moment.

To All My Fellow HSPs: An Open Letter
Oct 10, 2016
If there is one thing I would want you to know for sure about yourself, it is that you are exquisitely made. There is a river inside of you that runs so deep, you will spend many years thinking it is a void that you need to fill with the things of this world. But my dear, it is actually a space created to collect and hold the pain of your fellow beings tenderly.

What a Cracked Tree Limb Taught Me About Change
Aug 23, 2016
When it’s 11:23 pm and you are listening to a bible study sermon online, taking notes about how sin grieves the heart of God, and a tree limb outside your 3rd-floor apartment window cracks and splits off the trunk onto the roof of a car port in the parking lot, you begin to pay attention. I’m a believer in signs, in symbolism and metaphors, in the universe sending us messages that we desperately need to hear.