
typewriter writing I’m sorry

A Letter of Apology To All My Abandoned Creative Projects

Aug 30, 2016

Dear Abandoned Creative Projects: I’m sorry. There is so much more I want to say but it must begin with this. With an apology. You do not deserve to be abandoned, left to rot in a folder or thrown into the trash. That should not be your fate. I have no one else to blame for this but my own inconsistency, my lack of commitment, my distracted mind, and my loss of interest.

Creative Writing Life Lessons Feelings

view of tree trunk and leaves from below

What a Cracked Tree Limb Taught Me About Change

Aug 23, 2016

When it’s 11:23 pm and you are listening to a bible study sermon online, taking notes about how sin grieves the heart of God, and a tree limb outside your 3rd-floor apartment window cracks and splits off the trunk onto the roof of a car port in the parking lot, you begin to pay attention. I’m a believer in signs, in symbolism and metaphors, in the universe sending us messages that we desperately need to hear.

Life Lessons Change Surrender Nature Self-Acceptance

quote in front of tree background

Committing to the Creative Process

Aug 15, 2016

Maybe it is knowing that these words, by the mere act of being written down for others to read, are opening themselves up to judgment and scrutiny. Maybe it is the imposing Ms. Perfectionist within me with her unattainable expectations pointing her snarky finger at me. Or maybe it’s the feeling of having planted seed after creative seed and never seeing any of them bear fruit.

Dreams Creativity Writing Creative Process
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