Posts: Dreams

notes on different pieces of colored paper

The Ordinary Part of Extraordinary Pursuits

Every dream is full of mundane repetition

Mar 12, 2019

March. It may seem like an inconspicuous month, nicely tucked in-between February and April, trying not to draw attention to itself. But when it comes to New Year’s resolutions, it’s a rather important month. It’s that time when even the most well-meaning, dedicated of us trying to keep our resolutions going have slipped and fallen back into our old ways, or flat out given up.

Goals Dreams Creative Process Creative Writing Habits

person holding calendar

Dear 2019, This Is What I Ask of You

A letter of intention and appeal

Jan 01, 2019

Hello 2019. Hope you are doing well. I am deeply grateful to see you and begin our journey together. 2018 was a year I was ready to say goodbye to, though it had its beautiful moments and was full of many blessings. So here we are, meeting each other for the very first time. We have so much to learn from each other.

Dreams Resolutions Goals Self-Improvement

crumpled yellow ruled paper

What To Do When You’ve Quit Your Creative Pursuit(s) Too Many Times

Oct 01, 2018

This is the quote I turn to when I want to write again but hesitate knowing all too well how often I’ve given it up. Or when I’m lacking creative inspiration because my muse hasn’t come around in a while. I remind myself why my endless attempts to start writing again matter. Because it’s way too easy to give up. To find something else to do.

Creativity Inspiration Dreams Artist Art

quote in front of tree background

Committing to the Creative Process

Aug 15, 2016

Maybe it is knowing that these words, by the mere act of being written down for others to read, are opening themselves up to judgment and scrutiny. Maybe it is the imposing Ms. Perfectionist within me with her unattainable expectations pointing her snarky finger at me. Or maybe it’s the feeling of having planted seed after creative seed and never seeing any of them bear fruit.

Dreams Creativity Writing Creative Process