Posts: Goals

green leaf seedling plant in dry leaves

Overflowing with Fresh Seedling

A new year’s ritual of mindful surrender

Jan 01, 2024

January 1st. It carries so much weight. So much pressure and expectation placed on it. Some carried over from last year. The older I’m getting, the less I make new year’s resolutions and instead, think of intentions I have for the year. What mindset do I want to approach the new year with? What energy do I want to bring into it?

New Year Habits Reflections Transformation Goals

flower buds blooming

The Barriers to Our Blooming

Lifting the weights that crush us

Jan 01, 2021

January 1st. It carries so much weight — both positively and negatively. It contains so much hope, and yet so much angst. Realistically, it’s just another day. But ideally, it can become so much more. A fresh start, a second chance, a new path forward, a do-over. We place so much expectation on this innocent day to deliver. We give it so much power. And so little room for error.

Motivation Life Lessons Inspiration Goals Self-Improvement

notes on different pieces of colored paper

The Ordinary Part of Extraordinary Pursuits

Every dream is full of mundane repetition

Mar 12, 2019

March. It may seem like an inconspicuous month, nicely tucked in-between February and April, trying not to draw attention to itself. But when it comes to New Year’s resolutions, it’s a rather important month. It’s that time when even the most well-meaning, dedicated of us trying to keep our resolutions going have slipped and fallen back into our old ways, or flat out given up.

Goals Dreams Creative Process Creative Writing Habits

cupped hands holding a flower

What It Means to Live Our “Best Life”

Jan 09, 2019

The thing they don’t tell you about “living your best life” is that it takes time to get there. And that it has to be YOUR best life, not a cookie-cutter version of someone else’s. We live in a time of “comparison fatigue,” the mental and emotional exhaustion that comes from constantly comparing ourselves — our stuff, our home, our bodies, our achievements, our travels — with those of others.

Life Personal Development Personal Growth Resolutions Goals

person holding calendar

Dear 2019, This Is What I Ask of You

A letter of intention and appeal

Jan 01, 2019

Hello 2019. Hope you are doing well. I am deeply grateful to see you and begin our journey together. 2018 was a year I was ready to say goodbye to, though it had its beautiful moments and was full of many blessings. So here we are, meeting each other for the very first time. We have so much to learn from each other.

Dreams Resolutions Goals Self-Improvement