Posts: Resolutions

dandelion with seeds flying

What Do You Need to Release in the New Year?

Thoughts on letting go of what no longer serves us

Jan 15, 2019

The sun is setting on this Sunday afternoon. It will come back, I have to reassure myself, with the looming darkness. The sky, shades of buttermilk and saffron. Kids below in the park, making snow angels before the snow melts, as it will. The passing of January, taking place right before my eyes, in spurts of moments and people flitting to-and-fro.

Personal Development Self-Awareness Resolutions

cupped hands holding a flower

What It Means to Live Our “Best Life”

Jan 09, 2019

The thing they don’t tell you about “living your best life” is that it takes time to get there. And that it has to be YOUR best life, not a cookie-cutter version of someone else’s. We live in a time of “comparison fatigue,” the mental and emotional exhaustion that comes from constantly comparing ourselves — our stuff, our home, our bodies, our achievements, our travels — with those of others.

Life Personal Development Personal Growth Resolutions Goals

person holding calendar

Dear 2019, This Is What I Ask of You

A letter of intention and appeal

Jan 01, 2019

Hello 2019. Hope you are doing well. I am deeply grateful to see you and begin our journey together. 2018 was a year I was ready to say goodbye to, though it had its beautiful moments and was full of many blessings. So here we are, meeting each other for the very first time. We have so much to learn from each other.

Dreams Resolutions Goals Self-Improvement

analog clock with four sides

Musings on the New Year

Jan 10, 2017

Of course I wanted this post to be extra special, meticulously polished, and deeply interesting. After all, it’s the first post of 2017. But I’m working on letting go of perfection. Such pressure a new year brings — a redo, a fresh start, a chance to begin again, or begin at all. Could it be that we humans invented the concept of time — days, months, years — because we needed a motivation to start over?

Resolutions Life Inspiration Self-Improvement Change