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Anokina Shahbaz

I believe in soul mates, in miracles, and in the undeniable power of kindness to transform our world. I write in order to fathom all the pain we carry, and ultimately, to lighten it — even just a little.

Proud member of Compel Training, a faith-based online training community for writers.

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Shepherding Us in His Direction

Learning the art of fellowship with God

Mar 04, 2023

It's 11:15 pm on Sunday night and I'm searching for videos related to “when God feels distant” on YouTube. I watch a few that look helpful, with titles including “Why Has God Been So Silent When I've Reached Out To Him?” and “How to Get Back on Track Spiritually When You Feel Far from God.”

God Christianity Seasons Growth Jesus

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A Cocoon for Crafting Wings

The balancing act of nurturing our child and adult selves

Feb 10, 2023

My husband and I went light shopping over the weekend. We were wanting to replace all of our hallway ceiling lights as well as the chandelier that came with the house we purchased a little over a year ago. We walked around the store, taking in the large selection, craning our necks and pointing to ones we liked and ones that were a bit too contemporary for our taste.

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Fertile Ground for Synchronicities

Thoughts on pursuing our calling

Feb 01, 2023

This, I have found, sums up my writing process. Often, I have absolutely no idea where the piece is going to go. I only have an idea for how to begin it and a theme I want to write about. But I trust the process enough to let it take me where it wants to go, instead of impose my will on it forcibly. Of course this may be easier for a nonfiction writer like myself.

Growth Calling Life Purpose God

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Remain in the Light

Thoughts on playing small and learning to expand

Nov 05, 2022

As a writer, there are those pieces or topics that you know need to be written but that you avoid writing for as long as possible. They’re always in the back of your mind, though, lurking, anticipating the day they’ll be cemented onto paper. They tug at you, not lovingly, until you have no choice but to tend to them, if only to shut them up.

Life Lessons Personal Development Growth Spirituality