
group of people walking on stairs in a building

Witnesses to Each Other’s Existing

Seeing secondhand stress in a new light

Apr 23, 2023

It happens often when I’m “out in the world.” Grocery shopping, waiting at intersections, working out at the gym, eating in restaurants. Sometimes it even seeps through my laptop screen while working with my colleagues and sitting in on video calls. It’s palpable, some days stronger than others. And I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels it. What am I referring to?

Stress Perspective Mental Health Reflections God

volcano erupting

One Pause at a Time

Learning how to recognize our default reactions

Apr 18, 2023

The argument was meaningless, as many marital arguments tend to be. One sentence became a trigger for the other, which led to defensiveness and trying to prove each other’s points. Things got taken out of context, the past was brought into the present, the words “always” and “never” got thrown around… the usual culprits.

Personal Growth Perspective Life Lessons Self-Awareness Psychology

woman’s face statue looking out of window

What Comes to the Surface

God’s refining work in our lives

Apr 10, 2023

I left the laser and skin spa holding an ice pack against my left cheekbone to reduce the burning. It was about to thunderstorm, so I rushed to my car. The lead aesthetician told me it might sting more than last time since she cranked up the heat on my IPL service. I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted after two treatments, so she suggested we try a more intense level.

God Transformation Change Christianity Surrender

white and red-petaled flower bud

The Imperceptible Motion Underneath

Trusting the process and pace of growth

Apr 02, 2023

Spring officially commenced a week ago, though you’d never be able to tell by looking outside. Just two days ago, it snowed again, after it had all finally melted. The streets were the epitome of a winter wonderland, every surface dusted in white. More is predicted for this week, with temperatures still in the low 40s. The dreariness of the winter sky has not lifted.

Growth Seasons Personal Growth Perspective God

close up of flowering bush with icicles

Enveloped in a Layer of Gratitude

Reflections on an ice storm

Mar 24, 2023

The weather forecast called it ‘freezing rain,’ warning of an ice storm in effect for our county. Essentially, this meant that the rain was going to be accompanied by temperatures at or just below freezing, leading to ice accumulations. I had never heard of or witnessed this weather pattern before moving to Illinois. Now, in my fifth year here, I was more than familiar with it.

Reflections Hope Contemplation Nature Beauty

data zeros and ones with a heart

A Light That Shines in the Darkness

Using technology in service of a better world

Mar 18, 2023

Lately I’m finding myself more addicted to my phone than usual. Taking it with me from room to room while walking about the house. Checking it frequently, for no reason other than boredom or a craving for distraction. It’s become more than a habit, nearing addiction, and frankly, I don’t like it.

Technology Reflections Humanity Perspective Mindset

painting of two human hands reaching

The Alchemy of the Written Word

The sacred unity of writer and reader

Mar 11, 2023

I’ve been thinking a lot about “writer identity” lately. How we come to see ourselves as writers. What type of writers we think we are or are not. As much as I don’t want to be boxed in, I also understand that the whole point of branding and self-marketing is, by definition, putting ourselves into some type of recognizable box that readers can connect with.

Writing Artist Art Personal Growth Reflections

hands holding mustard seeds

Shepherding Us in His Direction

Learning the art of fellowship with God

Mar 04, 2023

It's 11:15 pm on Sunday night and I'm searching for videos related to “when God feels distant” on YouTube. I watch a few that look helpful, with titles including “Why Has God Been So Silent When I've Reached Out To Him?” and “How to Get Back on Track Spiritually When You Feel Far from God.”

God Christianity Seasons Growth Jesus

gray stainless steel armor

A Force to Be Reckoned With

When resistance shows up in the creative process

Feb 25, 2023

It was when I found myself cleaning my vacuum filters in my kitchen sink that I knew something was definitely off. I had spent the last month deep cleaning, organizing, and decluttering every inch of our home. House projects typically reserved for once a year suddenly made their way to the top of my to-do list.

Creative Process Writing Art Life Purpose Battles

lit white candle in a room

Way, Way Grander Than Myself

Thoughts on life’s impermanence and leaving an impact

Feb 18, 2023

It was my first shiva gathering. Thursday night, 9 pm my time, on Zoom. I had no idea what to expect. A traditional ritual of Judaism, it is a mourning period for close relatives and friends where they come by and bring food, comfort the mourner, discuss the loss, and share memories.

Spirituality Life Reflections Perspective Time

sculpture of two children inside two adults

A Cocoon for Crafting Wings

The balancing act of nurturing our child and adult selves

Feb 10, 2023

My husband and I went light shopping over the weekend. We were wanting to replace all of our hallway ceiling lights as well as the chandelier that came with the house we purchased a little over a year ago. We walked around the store, taking in the large selection, craning our necks and pointing to ones we liked and ones that were a bit too contemporary for our taste.

Psychology Self-Care Life Growth

compass leaning on a window sill

Fertile Ground for Synchronicities

Thoughts on pursuing our calling

Feb 01, 2023

This, I have found, sums up my writing process. Often, I have absolutely no idea where the piece is going to go. I only have an idea for how to begin it and a theme I want to write about. But I trust the process enough to let it take me where it wants to go, instead of impose my will on it forcibly. Of course this may be easier for a nonfiction writer like myself.

Growth Calling Life Purpose God

side view mirror of car driving in woods

An Outlet for the Ache

Lessons learned from a speeding ticket

Jan 26, 2023

It's 8:30 pm on a Monday in December. I'm driving home from an ASL class at a local community college. Thankfully it's not snowing, but the back-country roads of this neighboring town close to my house aren't streetlight-friendly, so I'm eager to get home and out of the pitch black. Hunger pains are also causing me to go faster than I should.

Life Lessons Self-Care Self-Awareness Mental Health

paper lantern floating in sky

What No Longer Serves Us

Facing our shortcomings through the art of letter writing

Jan 18, 2023

There are many ways to ring in the new year. From old traditions passed down over time to new ones created for ourselves, we all have ways to welcome the beginning of a new 12-month cycle. One ritual that I have very recently begun implementing is writing a letter. To whom? A letter to anything that no longer serves me and that I want to let go of moving forward.

Transformation New Year Change Self-Awareness

woman holding umbrella with yellow background

Who We Wish to Become

A different take on New Year’s resolutions

Jan 11, 2023

The beginning of a new year is not unlike a grieving period. Some resisting the idea of the current year ending. Others angry about what was not accomplished or goals unmet. Many depressed about holidays and vacations coming to an end and their mundane routines starting up again. Until we all, grudgingly, begin to accept the realities that come with one year ending and another one beginning.

New Year Habits Personal Development

girl dancing in field with sun shining behind her

Remain in the Light

Thoughts on playing small and learning to expand

Nov 05, 2022

As a writer, there are those pieces or topics that you know need to be written but that you avoid writing for as long as possible. They’re always in the back of your mind, though, lurking, anticipating the day they’ll be cemented onto paper. They tug at you, not lovingly, until you have no choice but to tend to them, if only to shut them up.

Life Lessons Personal Development Growth Spirituality

Tree with yellow leaves reflected on water

The Layer of Harmony Underneath

Learning to trust the process

Sep 03, 2022

I’m berating myself for forgetting my earplugs. This coffee shop is noisier than I had anticipated. People’s conversations reverberate against my skin and eardrums and it’s hard to concentrate. Of course I could have stayed at home to write, but there is something about the atmosphere of a coffee shop that tugs at my writer’s mind and inspires me to show up for the craft.

Personal Development Inspiration Life Lessons Growth

Construction zone with workers in safety gear

The Construction Zone of Personal Development

Breaking ground, rebuilding structure, and navigating warning signs

Aug 08, 2022

Everything deteriorates, eventually. This is what crosses my mind as I’m sitting at a lovely coffee shop/chocolate shop trying to get some writing done. The aroma of chocolate in the air as you walk in is divine. It’s one of those rustic downtown buildings, faded brick on the inside, ceiling pipes and beams exposed, piles of burlap coffee sacks in the corner.

Personal Development Growth Life Lessons

thistle seed bush

Think About Such Things

Transforming our destructive thoughts one seed at a time

Jul 26, 2022

They are everywhere. Stuck on the garden gnome, the backyard furniture, in-between the patio steps, caught in the Emerald Cedar trees. A few had the unfortunate luck of getting stuck in the citronella candle wax before it hardened. Floating thistle seeds, thousands of them. We found out they’re coming from a field behind the houses across the street.

Personal Development Growth Reflections

woman’s reflection in a puddle

The Reflection Behind the Blank Page

Resistance to doing the work and the courage to persist

Jul 05, 2022

The desk arrived, finally, after four months of waiting. My writing desk, as I call it. Beautiful rustic whitewash finish. I’d like to believe it was the desk not having been delivered yet that kept me from writing, but I know how untrue that is. I’d like to tell myself that I wasn’t writing because my “writing room” was not complete, what with the unfinished walls and all, multiple paint samples next to each other, none making the cut.

Creative Writing Creative Process Personal Development Artist
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